The Change We Need.

When We Need It Most.

We deserve better than the corrupt Albany establishment.

Our leaders in Albany have failed. The single-party monopoly has made our state worse in every measurable way. Crime, the economy, education, and our quality of life have all plummeted. Hard-working people are fleeing. And nothing will change until we VOTE for that change. That’s why I’m running.

It’s time to deliver the change New York needs.

Together we can fix this.

My family and I love New York, and for good reason. I grew up in NYC during what’s now recognized as a golden age — violent and petty crime were low, businesses were thriving, education was a priority and the prospect of owning a home and starting a family was still within reach for most young people. The city I grew up in was safe and prosperous. People flocked here from all over the world to take advantage of our opportunities.

Now, everything has changed.

Violent crime is rising at record rates, small businesses are suffering and closing due to the fatal combination of lockdowns, arbitrary restrictions, and high taxes. And perhaps worst of all, most of my peers don’t have the means to start a family.

People — especially families and businesses — are leaving our great state in droves because these problems cannot and will not be solved by the politicians currently in Albany.

It’s clear that the single party rule we’ve suffered under for years must come to an end. When something isn’t working anymore, it’s time to move on to something else. Simple as that.

Our community needs a change — there must be a new vision and new direction representing the people of Queens. This community has and always will be my first priority, and I want to represent your interests in the State Senate. I will deliver the change we desperately need, and help to restore sanity to our government.